March 04, 2019

He Is the One

1 Samuel 16:1-13

The Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.”

—  1 Samuel 16:12

God sends Samuel on a mission to anoint a new king. All Samuel knows is that God will choose one of Jesse’s sons. So Samuel prepares Jesse and his sons and invites them to a special ceremony. Jesse brings his seven eldest sons, but God chooses none of them. What? “Are these all the sons you have?” Samuel asks. Jesse explains that the youngest is out tending the family’s sheep. So they all wait till the young shepherd arrives.

In this awkward, unlikely scene, we witness an unexpected and awesome pause. God does not make decisions the way people do. And God, not anyone else, will make this choice.

So David the young shepherd is anointed to become king of Israel. God tells Samuel to anoint him because “the Lord looks at the heart” rather than merely outward appearances. And by God’s power working through him, David goes on to become one of the greatest kings in Israel’s history.

Jesus, God’s Son, is a shepherd too (John 10:11-16). He came to be the Messiah (“Anointed One”), the long-promised deliverer of God’s people. In a way like Jesse’s family had to wait, Israel waited for the Messiah. Jesus was God’s chosen one.

You and I are identified and chosen by God too. By his grace and mercy, God anoints us (calls us) to serve him in this world. He calls us to take his good-news message to everyone everywhere. Are you ready?

Thank you, Jesus, for being the one to deliver us from the curse of sin. May we be ready and willing to follow you and to share this good news with others. Amen.

About the author — Pete Byma

Pete Byma has served as a pastor of congregations in Michigan and in Washington state. Serving now as a pastor in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he is also a consultant/coach for churches experiencing conflict, and he enjoys equipping and establishing people in ministry. He is married to Cheri, and they have four grown children and six grandchildren. Pete is also a registered soccer official and enjoys bicycling.

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