January 21, 2019

Parachutes and Perspective

John 14:15-27

The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

—  John 14:26

You are standing on a mountain in the Swiss Alps, and an instructor is helping you into your gear before you run off the mountain’s edge and start to parasail down. It will take an hour to reach the bottom, and you are receiving your last instructions. When the wind is right, the instructor will yell, “Run!” So you listen for the instructor’s voice, and then you run. You catch the wind under your sail, and your journey ­begins.

Jesus knew he would be ending his time on earth, and he wanted to make sure his disciples had their final instructions. He wanted them to know that they would never be alone. He wanted them to know that they would have everything they needed and that if they listened to the voice of the Spirit, their journey would be everything God intended it to be.

Jesus still points us in the same direction. He reminds us that we have the guidance of the Holy Spirit. How we treat others, how we embrace love, and how we obey him are the equipment we need. Jesus points us in the direction of the Father, and now, guided by the Spirit, our task is to follow the directions, wait for the wind, and run.

Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for equipping us to live out our journey of faith. Help us to listen to your instructions and to remember that, with your Spirit in us, we have every­thing we need. Amen.

About the author — Beth Fellinger

Pastor Beth Fellinger is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has more than 40 years of experience in pastoral ministry. She and her husband, Barry, have created a missional community in their neighborhood called the Ugly Couch Cafe. From serving coffee at a blue picnic table on their front lawn, to praying with neighbors, to hosting faith gatherings on a weekly basis, the Ugly Couch Cafe has grown—and nothing gives Beth greater joy than introducing people to Jesus.

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