August 12, 2013

Praise the Lord!

Psalm 148

Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding.
—Psalm 148:7-8


The road to my middle school in Moscow wound through a picturesque park. In the spring, when the weather was good, I’d often skip the bus and walk the three miles instead.

As I walked through the park, I was always fascinated with the sights and smells and sounds of nature around me. Back then I didn’t know much about God or Christianity, but I could detect something awe-inspiring that I couldn’t explain.

In today’s reading God’s whole creation is called to praise the Lord. Amazingly, even such weather-related things as lightning, hail, snow, and stormy winds are joining in this song of lavish celebration. How are they praising the Lord? They are doing what they are called to do by their Creator. For instance, the stormy wind fulfills its task of praise by being a stormy wind.

It’s sad that often we are so distracted by artificial pictures and noises that we cannot hear this jubilant choir. Enjoying nature can be so good for the soul. It might even put us in the mood to praise our Creator.

Human beings, as the crown of God’s creation, are invited to join in praising the Lord too. Ours is a very special part. Unlike hail and snow, we can pray or sing a song. We praise God by living out our calling in Jesus Christ.

Father, we thank you for the beauty of your creation. Give us a heart of praise, and show us how we can better glo-rify your name in our lives. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

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