November 27, 2015

Set Your Mind

Romans 8:5-11

Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

—  Romans 8:5

In Romans, God makes clear that evil is always right there with me. But even more important—and more powerful!—God also makes clear that if I belong to Jesus, then the Spirit of God is right there in me. This means that in the very presence of evil the Spirit is at work to give me life and to set my mind and body on living for God.

That is an impressive comfort. God does not save me and then leave me to live this out on my own. The Spirit is working in me so that my body, the very members of which I might at times give to sin, become dead to sin and alive to honoring God in what I do.

But of course I need to cooperate with God in this. I can’t just sit back and say “Go for it!” to the Spirit and expect God to work it all out without my participation. This whole business of belonging to God is one of partnership, as it has been from the beginning.

Where does that start? Paul mentions the mind five times in these verses. My living, to some degree, follows how I focus my mind. So if I want my life to reflect the one to whom I belong, then I need to pay attention to where I set my mind.

That’s why it’s important to take time to read and reflect on God’s Word. Scripture and prayer help to align our minds and lives with Christ each day.

Is your mind set on Christ today?

Holy Spirit, I want to set my mind on what you desire. Please live and work in me, that I may focus on and align with Christ, my Lord. Amen.

About the author — Henry Kranenburg

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