Daily devotion:

Understanding the Power of My Story

Scripture Reading — Revelation 12:11

They triumphed . . . by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. . . .
— Revelation 12:11

In the vast library of life, each of us holds a book—a story unique to our experiences, struggles, and triumphs. These narratives, when we share them, have the power to inspire, uplift, and even transform people’s lives.

I recall a pivotal moment some years ago when a dear friend encouraged me to embrace and share my story. She reminded me that our stories, like threads in a tapestry, weave together to create a beautiful picture of God’s work in our lives. Conversely, she also shared the regret of a missed opportunity—an untold story that could have brought hope to others.

Revelation 12:11 speaks of triumph through testimony. When we share our stories, we overcome the power of the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. Our experiences of God’s work in our lives, whether joyful or challenging, become powerful tools in God’s hands to bring healing and redemption to others.

God is the ultimate storyteller, and he has entrusted us with unique chapters in his grand narrative. Our stories can resonate with people who need encouragement or guidance.

I’ve learned that knowing and sharing my story is a privilege and a responsibility. Let’s not withhold our stories, for in doing so, we may miss an opportunity to offer a hopeful light to someone in darkness.

Father, thank you for the gift of storytelling. Help us to recognize the power of our stories, and give us the courage to share them for your glory. Amen.

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