January 07, 2024

A Kingdom for All

Acts 1:3-8

Before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.

—  Revelation 7:9

It’s hard to imagine what the 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection were like for the apostles. But we know this much: Jesus came and went according to his own sense of time and purpose. And whenever he was with his followers, he taught them more about the kingdom of God.

The apostles caught his drift. It was hard to miss!

Then one day they asked if the time had finally come for him to restore the kingdom of Israel. That was a bit off-track. But it’s no wonder they were thinking in terms of just their own people. That was the hope they had grown up with.

Yet the time for the kingdom would be more than just that moment. And the home of the kingdom would be more than just Israel. Over long ages, the Spirit of God would equip the apostles and the whole church to carry the good news to the ends of the earth. And all the earth, with all its kingdoms and dominions, with all its peoples and nations, would hear about King Jesus and his kingdom.

That’s how I heard about Jesus and his kingdom. That’s how you heard the good news too.

Jesus, thank you for equipping your followers and your church with good news through the power of your Spirit. May the news of your kingdom continue to ring. Amen.

About the author — Bob Arbogast

Bob Arbogast is the pastor of Celebration Fellowship church in Ionia, Michigan. In his spare time, he plays guitar in a West Michigan blues band. He and his wife Jan have been married forty years and have three adult daughters. Bob has been praying the psalms since 2002.

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