August 06, 2017

A Well That Brings Joy

Isaiah 12; John 4:1-14

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

—  Isaiah 12:3

It was the fourth year of drought in central California; farmers were challenged daily by the shortage of water. A friend took me to see a well he was having dug to water 40 acres of almond trees. The price? More than $200,000! Wow! “Yes,” he said, “that’s a steep price, but it’s worth it.”

Long ago Isaiah spoke to God’s people about a different shortage—namely, their lack of faithful obedience to God. The Holy One, he said, would not endure such disobedience. The result would be the destruction of God’s people by their enemies. But the beautiful song of Isaiah 12 speaks of a well of salvation that would once again fill God’s people with joy.

John 4 relates the story of Jesus at a well, where he met someone who needed the water that only he could give—the water of eternal life. He told the Samaritan woman who he was, and she believed. The price God paid to take away her sin and ours was far greater than $200,000. Rather, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). That’s what Jesus meant when he said, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.”

Have you been refreshed by the well of God’s abounding grace?

Father, your love is so deep and vast. You gave your only Son for us. We can’t begin to understand your amazing grace. But we know that the death of Jesus on the cross paid the price for our sins. Thank you! Amen.

About the author — John Van Schepen

Dr. John Van Schepen is a retired pastor who served churches in Washington, Wisconsin, Indiana, Oregon and California. He and his wife, Willie, have been blessed with five children and several grandchildren.

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