Daily Devotions about: Promises

Date Title Scripture Reference Topics
August 24, 2024 If It Were Not So, Would I Have Told You? John 14:1-14 Life, Christian Life, Promises, Following Jesus
July 31, 2024 Sleep in Heaven? Revelation 21:1-5 Rest, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Promises
July 7, 2024 Trouble Falling Asleep Esther 6:1-11 Life, Christian Life, Promises, Esther
April 8, 2024 Overcoming Fear Isaiah 41:8-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear, Christian Life, Promises
November 13, 2023 Living as Ones Who are Known Psalm 50:1-15 Christianity, Discipleship, Worship, Life, Christian Life, Promises
November 4, 2023 Submitting to God’s Promises Genesis 15:1-21 Faithfulness, Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Life, Christian Life, Promises
October 7, 2023 A Passage Through the Sea Exodus 14:21-31; Isaiah 51:9-10 Bible, Books of the Bible, Exodus, Life, Christian Life, Promises
September 26, 2023 A Place for You John 14:1-6 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Christian Life, Promises
September 18, 2023 From Bitterness to Hope Ruth 1:8-22 Bible, God's Word, Life, Christian Life, Promises
July 29, 2023 A Life with God Genesis 25:1-11 Life, Christian Life, Promises, Abraham
July 14, 2023 The Covenant-making God Genesis 15:6-21 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Life, Christian Life, Promises, Abraham
January 24, 2023 Wow! Glory to God 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Christian Life, Promises
January 22, 2023 Reflection and Response Proverbs 3:1-6 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Promises
July 27, 2020 Keeping Our Word Numbers 30 Holiness, Christianity, Doctrine, Truth, Life, Christian Life, Promises
July 20, 2020 God’s Blessed People Numbers 22:1-12 Spiritual Gifts, Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, Life, Christian Life, Promises
July 13, 2020 Grasshoppers or God’s People? Numbers 13 Faithfulness, Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear, Christian Life, Promises
February 26, 2020 God's Bigger Plan Jeremiah 29:10-14 God, God's Plan, Life, Emotions, Hope, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Promises
February 14, 2020 Bright Hope for Tomorrow Psalm 33:16-22 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Promises
October 23, 2019 Laughter Genesis 18:1-15 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Emotions, Joy, Christian Life, Promises
September 2, 2019 Greetings Revelation 1:1-5a Life, Christian Life, Promises
August 31, 2019 The Bridegroom and the Bride Isaiah 62:1-5 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, Christianity, Doctrine, Heaven, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Christian Life, Promises
July 21, 2019 Birth of a Savior Judges 13:1-7, 17-25 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Promises
July 20, 2019 Jephthah's Bargain Judges 11:29-36 Wisdom, Self-Control, Life, Christian Life, Promises
June 2, 2019 The Story of God's Promises Acts 7:1-22 Faithfulness, Bible, Bible Characters, Steven, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Promises
February 3, 2019 For Theirs Is the Kingdom Matthew 5:1-10 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Promises
January 29, 2019 Blessed Are You Matthew 5:1-12 Life, Trials & Challenges, Hunger, Christian Life, Seeking God, Promises
December 27, 2018 Seeking the Comfort of Israel Luke 2:22-35 Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Christian Life, Seeking God, Promises
December 12, 2018 Fall of Jericho Joshua 6:1-20 Faithfulness, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Promises
December 10, 2018 Passover and Exodus Exodus 12 Sacrifice, Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Christian Life, Promises
December 9, 2018 God’s Leadership Exodus 3:1-10 Christianity, Salvation, God, Attributes of God, Life, Christian Life, Promises
December 8, 2018 God’s Providence Genesis 45:1-7 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Promises
December 7, 2018 The Promise Again Genesis 28:10-22 Bible, Bible Characters, Jacob, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Promises
December 5, 2018 The Promise Genesis 15:1-6 Christianity, Doctrine, Life, Family & Relationships, Christian Life, Promises
December 4, 2018 The Flood Genesis 9:8-17 Bible, Bible Characters, Noah, Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Christian Life, Promises
December 1, 2018 The Stump of Jesse Isaiah 11:1-10 Life, Emotions, Joy, Hope, Christian Life, Promises, Seasons, Advent, Christmas
November 30, 2018 The Foundations of the City of Heaven Revelation 21:9-21 Christianity, Doctrine, Glory, Heaven, Life, Christian Life, Promises
November 12, 2018 Like Jewels in a Crown Zechariah 9:9-17 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Promises
October 30, 2018 Inheritance Psalm 37:1-29 Goodness, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Promises
October 26, 2018 The Stream of Nations Isaiah 2:1-5 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Promises
October 17, 2018 Priestly Garments Exodus 28:15-29 Faithfulness, Life, Emotions, Peace, Christian Life, Promises, Following Jesus
September 15, 2018 The Peace of God Philippians 4:4-7 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Emotions, Peace, Christian Life, Promises
September 13, 2018 Petition Matthew 7:7-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Prayer, Life, Christian Life, Promises
September 11, 2018 Lament Psalm 79 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Emotions, Hope, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Promises
August 30, 2018 God of Justice Isaiah 42:1-9 Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Purpose, Christian Life, Promises
May 21, 2018 What Shall We Do? Acts 2:14-41 Christianity, Baptism, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Christian Life, Promises
May 11, 2018 Instructions and Promises Matthew 28:16-20 Assurance, Bible, God's Word, Life, Christian Life, Promises
May 10, 2018 “Why You Leave Me?” Acts 1:1-11 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Work, Christian Life, Promises
May 7, 2018 Promise and Fulfillment Deuteronomy 34 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Promises
February 27, 2018 Great Costs, Great Blessings Luke 18:24-30 Sacrifice, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God, Promises
January 27, 2018 Jesus, the Seed of Abraham, and Us Galatians 3:15-29 Life, Christian Life, Community, Promises
January 21, 2018 The Messiah Endured Evil for Us Psalm 69:1-21 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Promises
December 29, 2017 Patient Anna and Simeon Luke 2:22-38 Christianity, Salvation, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Christian Life, Promises
December 25, 2017 Firstborn Son Luke 2:1-7 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Promises
December 23, 2017 Returning Zerubbabel Ezra 1:1-2:2 Chosen, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Promises
December 15, 2017 Moabite Ruth Ruth 1 Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Christian Life, Promises
December 8, 2017 Wrestling Jacob Genesis 32:22-32 Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Christian Life, Promises
December 4, 2017 Laughing Sarah Genesis 21:1-7 Faithfulness, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Promises
December 3, 2017 Father Abraham Genesis 12:1-7 Faithfulness, Life, Christian Life, Promises
June 26, 2017 Continuing Fruit Revelation 14:6-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Promises
March 6, 2017 Promises, Promises Matthew 26:31-35 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Promises, Following Jesus
May 19, 2015 Receiving the Kingdom Like Children Mark 10:1-16 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Promises
April 29, 2015 God Is Alive! Revelation 1:4-8 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Promises
March 2, 2015 Walking the Ancient Paths Jeremiah 6:16-17 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God, Promises
April 11, 2014 Never Alone John 14:15-21 Life, Christian Life, Promises
March 6, 2014 Rightly Estimating Our Commitment Mark 14:29-31 Life, Christian Life, Promises
February 10, 2014 Out of Egypt Numbers 13:1-3, 26-31; 14:1-9 Life, Christian Life, Promises
January 26, 2014 Renewing Vows Nehemiah 9:38; 10:28-39 Life, Christian Life, Promises
March 18, 2010 The Shepherd From Bethlehem Micah 5:1-4 Life, Christian Life, Promises, Seasons, Lent