August 12, 2024

Can Your Worries Add a Single Moment?

Matthew 6:25-34

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

—  Matthew 6:33

In my work I travel a lot throughout the year, and I have a suitcase that is just the right size for an overhead bin in an airplane. But that doesn’t work so well if I am away for more than four days. I often need a different outfit each day, and what if I spill something on one of them? Or what if I need an extra shirt in case the weather is cooler? I have to pack it all just right so that the suitcase closes.

On these trips I also wonder about the places where I am going and who I will be meeting. In prayer I wonder about the encounters that will happen and what God might be wanting to teach me. What needs to go into the suitcase of my heart?

Jesus was pretty clear as he taught about life and our worries. I think he was saying, in effect, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Pay attention to what is really important. When you put your focus on me and trust me, the rest will come together. I will be enough for you.”

Emotional baggage can be heavy, can’t it? Whatever you might be stressing about, remember that God knows, God cares, and God loves you —and by his grace he will carry you. With God looking after us, we can pack light.

Thank you, God, that I don’t need to worry because you have all the details in your hands. Thank you that you love me and know the plans you have for me. Help me to put down the day’s anxiety for the peace you give freely. Amen.

About the author — Beth Fellinger

Pastor Beth Fellinger is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has more than 40 years of experience in pastoral ministry. She and her husband, Barry, have created a missional community in their neighborhood called the Ugly Couch Cafe. From serving coffee at a blue picnic table on their front lawn, to praying with neighbors, to hosting faith gatherings on a weekly basis, the Ugly Couch Cafe has grown—and nothing gives Beth greater joy than introducing people to Jesus.

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