May 05, 2020

Community Is . . . about Mentorship

Exodus 18:1-27

Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said.

—  Exodus 18:24

When Julie moved to Colorado, she wanted to find a new community to be a part of. She had a church and a work community, but she sensed a need for something more as well. Her daughter had begun riding horses, so Julie saw an opportunity and started volunteering for the organization that owned the horses. Though she didn’t know much about horses when she began, the people there were eager to teach her what they knew and to help her along. While she is still learning, she now knows enough to be an important part of the volunteer team, and she helps other young riders as they learn about horses.

Every good community has mentors and mentees. There are things that we need to know and learn—and as we grow, we find there are things that we can teach and share with others. Being open to both roles at the same time is an important part of community.

There are lots of examples of mentorship in the Bible. Moses was mentored by his father-in-law, Jethro, when the burden of leadership was becoming too great. And Moses mentored Joshua when it was his turn to take over the leadership of Israel (Deuteronomy 31).

In community we all need to ask, Who is mentoring us? From whom are we learning the things we need to know? And, in turn, with whom are we sharing the wisdom that God has given us?

Father, help us to be receptive to learning from people around us, and open to teaching others what we have learned. Amen.

About the author — Bret Lamsma

Bret Lamsma is Director of Faith Formation at First Church in Denver, Colorado, and has served churches in Michigan and California in youth, emerging adult, inter-generational, and educational ministries. Bret and his wife, Julie, have two children, and he enjoys hiking, disc golfing, and cheering for the Chicago Cubs.

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