You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.
I have a wise friend who asks, “How would I spend my time today if I knew that I were going to die tomorrow?”
He answers the question by saying he would live a rather ordinary day. He would go to work, eat dinner at home with his wife, and take a walk around his neighborhood. The end of his life would not be an occasion for bucket-list adventures or wild parties, but an occasion to relish the ordinary gifts of God and live in obedience to God’s daily call.
I don’t know if I’m wise or mature enough yet to answer that question the same way, but it is my prayer that I will grow into answering that question as my friend has done.
Every day of our lives is lived in the light of God’s coming. Even if we are going to live for many more years, we are called to the same kind of obedience and gratitude as if today were our last day on earth.
God knows the day of your death. He holds the big picture of your life and death in his hands, and he promises to care for you.
Your part is to follow the Lord in daily obedience and confident hope. You can do this in gratitude for his provision for all of your days.
God, you hold our life and death in your hands, and you promise to care for us. Thank you for the hope we can have in you. Give us the wisdom to live in obedience and gratitude each day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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