July 08, 2024

Day and Night, God Sustains Us

Psalm 3:1-8

I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.

—  Psalm 3:5

Maybe you don’t have difficulty falling asleep. But do you ever have trouble staying asleep? Sometimes I jolt awake in the middle of the night and begin mulling over things: a harsh word, a pressing obligation, a painful family situation, or some other upsetting circumstance. Daytime events can cause us to lose sleep at night.

In King David’s case, he was beset by family troubles. We can read the sad account of his family’s grief and struggle in 2 Samuel 13-18. Psalm 3 cuts to the heart of David’s deep distress. His beloved son Absalom is leading a revolt against him, his enemies surround him, and God seems far away. Yet, as the psalm unfolds, we see that David’s faith has not deserted him. He calls out to God, professing that the Lord is his shield and protection. David trusts in God’s power and presence. Despite the circumstances David declares, “I lie down and sleep; I awake again, because the Lord sustains me.”

Our own troubles and anxieties may not be like those of King David. And his words are no simple answer for sleepless nights. But they do point us to a deep confession: “The Lord sustains us.” This isn’t merely an attempt at positive thinking. It’s the bedrock of our faith, night and day.

Father, in our tossing and turning, keep our faith in you strong, and help us to believe and say that you sustain us. Amen.

About the author — Kurt Selles

Kurt Selles is the director of ReFrame Ministries and serves as the Executive Editor of Today. He is a graduate of Calvin College and Seminary, and received his PhD from Vanderbilt University. Before coming to ReFrame, he served 19 years in Taiwan and China with CRC World Missions. Kurt later taught missions at Beeson Divinity School, where he also acted as the director of the school’s Global Center. Kurt and his wife, Vicki, reside in Grand Rapids and have three adult children.

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