August 03, 2024

Didn’t You Know?

Luke 2:41-52

When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him.

—  Luke 2:45

When our son was five years old, we visited my mother-in-law, who lived across the street from the Niagara River. There were no barriers to prevent children from wandering to the riverside—there was just the street, the riverbank, and then open water.

We could see Brandon’s shoes, but no Brandon. We called his name, probably yelling, but heard no answer. We walked along in panic and saw nothing but the current. After an hour we were joined by neighbors, who circled the block and went further into the local village. Still no Brandon. In total fear, my husband picked up the phone and called the police. As he described what our son looked like, a small figure walked out from the bedroom behind him. Brandon explained that he was hiding from his sister. We weren’t so sure it was the best explanation, but our hearts were relieved, and we stopped worrying.

I suspect Mary and Joseph had that same sense of panic. Jesus was already 12 years old then, but he wasn’t answering either. When they found him in the temple, his answer was a question: Didn’t they know that he needed to be there, about his Father’s business?

On days when Jesus may feel distant, we can be assured that he is still doing the will of his Father. Look for him, and you will find him—and he might have a question for you.

Dear God, when we are distracted and missing you, help us to refocus and realize that you are where you need to be. Keep us in tune with you, we pray. Amen.

About the author — Beth Fellinger

Pastor Beth Fellinger is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has more than 40 years of experience in pastoral ministry. She and her husband, Barry, have created a missional community in their neighborhood called the Ugly Couch Cafe. From serving coffee at a blue picnic table on their front lawn, to praying with neighbors, to hosting faith gatherings on a weekly basis, the Ugly Couch Cafe has grown—and nothing gives Beth greater joy than introducing people to Jesus.

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