As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.
—Psalm 103:13
God is one God in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Is it strange, then, for Isaiah to describe the Son as “Everlasting Father”? What does that mean? Jesus reveals God the Father, and he is the Word of the Father in the flesh. But how is Jesus the “Everlasting Father”?
“Everlasting Father” is a term used to describe the caring rela-tionship between a protector and those under his charge. A king was sometimes described as the father of his people. Job used the term to describe himself as “a father to the needy” (Job 29:16).
Think of the relationship between a father and his children. At his best, a father wants and seeks what is good for his children. It might not always be what they want, but it is for their good. A father loves, protects, nurtures, and provides. Jesus establishes this kind of relationship with the children of God. Earthly fathers fail, even to the point of distorting our understanding of God the Father. But God our Father never fails us. Christ’s care and provision for the children of God is unchanging and secure. Jesus is the Everlasting Father; there is nothing temporary or passing about his steadfast love and abiding faithfulness.
If you have this kind of relationship with God, let its depth and security embrace you. If not, commit your life to Jesus, the Everlasting Father.
For making us your children through faith and for your steadfast love and abiding faithfulness, we thank you, Lord Jesus. We pray in your name. Amen.
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