November 05, 2016

Generosity and Thanksgiving

2 Corinthians 9:10-15

Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, ­others will praise God. . . .

—  2 Corinthians 9:13

When I became a new believer at the age of 18, I was on fire to share the gospel with just about anyone willing to listen. I was heartbroken when people rejected salvation, and I dreamed of finding a particular pattern for my gospel presentation that would bring everyone to Christ.

Today I’m as convinced about the need for sharing the gospel as I was back then. But now I’m more humble about my evangelistic skills. I also know there’s no magic formula. Effective witness requires complete reliance on God, as well as a lot of patience and humility.

In today’s passage the apostle Paul adds another important dimension to witnessing to ­others. A powerful preacher, he goes beyond the need for the right words or proclamations. He challenges the Corinthian church to view their generosity as a natural extension of their daily Christian witness. The apostle shows how God can use their monetary gifts for fellow believers to help ­others discover the gift of God’s grace and prompt them to give thanks for Christ as well. He also points out that such godly generosity comes as a response to God’s gift of salvation.

As we seek to share God’s love with others, let us be reminded that our actions often speak louder than words.

Lord, make us reflectors of your love and grace to the world around us. Use us to share your message of salvation with the people around us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

About the author — Sergei Sosedkin

Sergei Sosedkin is the Russian-language ministry leader for ReFrame Ministries. He is a native of Moscow, Russia. As he oversees the Russian-language ministry, Sosedkin works from our office in Grand Rapids and in various locations in Russia.

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