November 03, 2024

God, the Advocate

Psalm 145:13-15

The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.

—  Psalm 145:14

The psalmist describes the immeasurable size and scope of God’s kingdom. There is no beginning or end to the Lord’s reign or to his ruling power. With that sort of status, it’s difficult to imagine how God has the time to look after all the things happening in our universe, let alone the things happening in our lives.

An advocate is a person who publicly supports another person—at times standing beside them when things get tough. Advocates come in many different forms: from lawyers and legal counselors to teachers and coaches to parents and friends. Regardless of the relationship, an advocate stands by a person as a way to show support and solidarity.

The psalmist also points out that the Lord picks us up when we fall and builds us up when we feel unworthy.

Does this mean God has to pause or stop the hands of time in order to help catch our stumbling feet? And does he do it while rolling his eyes? Not at all. As our advocate, God faithfully supports us, especially when we need it most. God’s character is not dependent on our ability, and in him our status as people called and adopted by the King is already fully established.

Merciful Lord, thank you for lifting us up when we fail, and for holding us up when we feel weak. We know that in our weakness your strength is perfect, so we continue to humble ourselves before your goodness and kindness. Amen.

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