November 19, 2024

God, the Giver of Full Life

Luke 5:17-26

When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

—  Luke 19:20

Sometimes I find it hard to ask someone for help. I’m not sure if it’s my pride to be independent or my fear of being a burden that gets in the way, but I know there have been times in my life when asking someone for something would have eased the burden I was carrying.

Our reading in Luke 5 today is a wonderful story about someone asking for help. A paralyzed man, with some of his friends, heard that Jesus was teaching at a neighbor’s house. The man and his friends knew of Jesus’ ability to heal, so the friends found an unusual way to carry the man to meet Jesus, in the hope that he could be healed.

Something that has often struck me about this story is Jesus’ response. He doesn’t mention their hard work and bravery to bring the man to him for healing. Instead he first commends the man for his faith and forgives his sin.

What I’ve learned here is that the friends of the paralyzed man deeply loved him and wanted him to experience the fullness of life—walking, running, jumping, and more. And Jesus wanted the man, along with his friends, to experience the fullness of life even more—by having life in his kingdom forever. This is a story about someone who asks for help in this life and receives even more—the amazing fullness of the life to come.

Lord, we stand before you in need of your help, for without you we are helpless. Forgive us, we pray, and may your Spirit mold and shape us more into your image each day. Amen.

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