February 22, 2022

Honor Your Parents

Ephesians 6:1-4

“Honor your father and your mother . . . so that you may live long and that it may go well with you. . . .”

—  Deuteronomy 5:16

This command was not written for little children. They have no choice but to honor their parents. It was written to younger adults who lived with older generations. Living together in a household with three or more generations was common in ancient Israel, as it is in some societies today.

How do you treat your elders, especially your parents? I have seen some young people act worse toward their parents than they do toward anyone else. They complain that they deserve more and nicer things. They berate their parents because they aren’t up on the latest technology or trends. They throw a fit when asked to do a simple household task. When another adult says, “You sure have a wonderful child,” the parent is stunned.

Our best and our worst be­havior comes out in our families. That is why this reminder is necessary. Show honor to your parents. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t as smart or capable as they once were. It doesn’t matter that they, like everyone else, have flaws. The criterion for honor is the fact that they are your parents.

Honoring your parents will bring blessing. This command closes with a promise, saying that God gives us life and blessing for honoring the parents he has given us.

Thank you, God, for parents, especially godly parents. Thank you for the gift they are in our lives and in others’ lives. Help us to show them proper honor and to respect all people as created and loved by you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About the author — Kent Van Til

Kent Van Til was a missionary in Costa Rica. He taught theological ethics both there and in the USA. He is the author of four books. The most recent is a spiritual biography of his grandmother entitled, "A Name for Herself: A Dutch Immigrant's Story." Kent likes to fish, hunt, make music, and entertain his grandchildren.

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