January 30, 2025

Intimacy with God

Deuteronomy 34:1-11

Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.

—  Deuteronomy 34:10

What an incredible privilege to have intimacy with God!

The Lord initiated his relationship with Moses at Mount Horeb in the wilderness by appearing to him from within a bush that was full of flames but did not burn up (Exodus 3). God called to him, “Moses! Moses!” and told him to take off his shoes, for he was standing on holy ground. Moses obeyed God and was assured of God’s presence from that initial encounter. God instructed Moses in carrying out his mission, and he listened when Moses spoke to him. It was the beginning of an intimate relationship.

Being in God’s presence is a spiritual encounter, whether private or public. We cannot make it happen on our own. The Lord must draw us to himself. We can experience God’s presence anywhere at any time because God is always with us, no matter where we are (Psalm 139:7-18; Matthew 28:20). We may experience God's presence while reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, serving a prison sentence, lying in the hospital, or washing dishes.

Sometimes we are desperate for intimacy with God. Like David, we may thirst and long for God’s presence (Psalm 42). The spiritual practices of solitude, reading the Bible, fasting, and prayer can help us cultivate intimacy with God.

Holy Spirit, draw me near. Help me to cultivate an intimate relationship with God. Fill me with your refreshing presence each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About the author — Denise Posie

Denise Posie served as a pastor in an urban church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, for thirteen years. She also served the Christian Reformed Church in North America as a congregational consultant and as director of leadership diversity. Since retiring in 2020, she has served part-time at Calvin Theological Seminary as a pastor in redemptive kingdom diversity, and in her spare time she enjoys writing and meeting new people.

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