March 06, 2013

Kingdom Priorities

Luke 12:22-34

“Your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
—Luke 12:30-31


Jesus’ words in our reading today are probably among his most assuring as well as his most challenging. After a warning about selfishness, Jesus told his disciples not to worry about food and clothing. But we know we can’t just sit back and watch food and clothing drop like manna from heaven. Even birds don’t have food delivered to them. They work hard to gather their food.

Jesus also reminds us that by worrying we will not add “a single hour” to our lives. He’s teaching about trust and faith. We need to make sure that serving God’s mission is our priority. In doing so, we need to trust that God will provide as we work, and we need to have a faith that expresses itself in concern for his kingdom’s causes.

When we accept Christ’s invitation to follow him, we commit ourselves to making his kingdom the priority in our lives.

God knows our needs, and he will provide. Knowing that, we need to make sure that our primary concern is to glorify him and love others as ourselves—and certainly not to pursue our selfish wants.

Our heart commitment always reveals itself in the priorities we pick—daily. Doing so, we’ll grow in grace and show others the way of the kingdom.

Lord, help us to see people’s needs and help in whatever ways we can, in line with your will. Give us a vision of your kingdom and its priorities on helping people to truly live—in you. In your name, Amen.

About the author — George Vink

Pastor George Vink has served as a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church for more than 30 years in British Columbia, Montana, Michigan, and California. He and his wife, Shirley, have four married sons and nine grandchildren.

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