When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere . . . he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said.
Pilate is a puzzling character in the story of Jesus’ death. He was the Roman governor of Judea, and he directly oversaw Jesus’ trial and handed him over to be crucified. But it seems that he also tried to do what he could to avoid sentencing Jesus. He asked several times what crime Jesus was actually accused of, and he tried to make use of a custom in which the governor would release a prisoner of the people’s choice during the Passover festival. But the people wanted another prisoner released and they wanted Jesus crucified. Pilate’s wife even warned him to have nothing to do with Jesus because of a dream she had had. In the end Pilate tried symbolically to wash his hands of the whole thing and proclaim his own innocence in the matter.
Still, Pilate was responsible for his actions. He knew that Jesus wasn’t guilty and that he shouldn’t be crucified, but he let it happen anyway. In the face of pressure, he did what the crowd wanted, not what he knew was right.
How often do we do the same thing? We know what we need to do, even if it isn’t the popular thing. But we go along with the crowd, giving in to pressure, and we do what we know is wrong.
With God’s help, though, and because of all that Jesus has done for us, we can change. We can stand up for what is right, even if it isn’t the popular thing to do.
Lord, help us to do what we know is right. Help us to follow you wherever you lead. Amen.
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