April 04, 2023

Saved By Blood

Exodus 12:1-23

“When the Lord goes through the land . . . he will see the blood . . . and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter. . . .”

—  Exodus 12:23

The firstborn sons of Israel were spared from death on Passover night. But this was not because they were better than the children of the Egyptians. The Israelites were no less sinful or depraved than the Egyptians. The Israelite firstborn were spared only because of the blood of the lamb.

When the Lord passed through Egypt and saw the blood on the doorframes of Israelites’ houses, he passed over those houses and did not allow the destroyer (death) to enter there.

It was not enough for the lamb to die. It was also necessary that the lamb’s blood be applied to the doorframe as a sign of God’s protection.

Likewise, it is not enough to know that Jesus Christ died on the cross. It is necessary to receive, by faith, the benefits of his death.

Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification. Now we must receive him as our personal Savior. He is our Passover Lamb!

Lord, we are saved not because of who we are or what we have done, but because of your grace through the blood of Jesus. Guide us to receive and trust in him as the one and only Savior. Thank you for your saving grace! Amen.

About the author — Hernandes Lopes

Rev. Hernandes Dias Lopes grew up in a Christian home in Brazil. Following his 1981 graduation from Seminário Presbiteriano do Sul in Campinas, Brazil, he served two congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Brazil. In 2000, he earned a doctor of ministry degree from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. Rev. Lopes has been the voice of the television program Verdade e Vida (“Truth and Life”) since 2006. In 2010 he was appointed Portuguese ministry leader for Back to God Ministries International. Rev. Lopes and his wife, Tinha, have two college-age children.

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