April 13, 2025

The Crowd

John 12:12-19

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” . . .

—  John 12:13

Today is Palm Sunday.

I remember someone telling me that the events of Palm Sunday always seemed contradictory to her. Some of the people who celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem were the same ones who shouted “Crucify him!” a few days later (Mark 15:13-14).

The contradictions of Palm Sunday have something to say, if we are ready to listen. For example, what kind of king enters a city on a donkey? A majestic horse would be more fitting, right? And what kind of people shout, “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is the king of Israel!” one day, and then cry “Crucify him!” later in the week? It doesn’t make sense. But the contradictions don’t stop there. They carry on all the way to you and me.

Physically Jesus was put on the cross by soldiers, officials, priests, and regular people. But he hung on that cross because the sin of all humanity—including my sin and your sin—put him there. All of us are like the crowd waving branches as Jesus entered Jerusalem. We celebrate and worship him as Lord and King—and yet we sin, which required that Jesus die in our place to save us. We are no different from the crowds in Jerusalem all those years ago.

So today, as we celebrate Jesus arriving as King, let’s remember that he came not “to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). He died so that we can be forgiven and have new life in him!

Lord Jesus, help us to celebrate you and to give thanks for all you have done to save us. Amen.

About the author — Bret Lamsma

Bret Lamsma is Director of Faith Formation at First Church in Denver, Colorado, and has served churches in Michigan and California in youth, emerging adult, inter-generational, and educational ministries. Bret and his wife, Julie, have two children, and he enjoys hiking, disc golfing, and cheering for the Chicago Cubs.

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