“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
In this passage Jesus refers to his upcoming death to save all who will believe in him. Here he is talking to the Pharisees and to others listening in. Jesus describes himself as the good shepherd who knows and cares for his sheep so much that he will lay down his life for them.
But many of the people listening to him don’t understand what he is talking about. Some think he is demon-possessed or insane. Others, however, realize that he has amazing power to heal and do good, and many people believe in him. This kind of thing happens often when Jesus does something amazing or teaches something new. Some people believe, and others don’t.
We might think that these split reactions would make Jesus frustrated and want to quit, but he kept on going. He kept interacting with the crowds. He kept talking to the Pharisees and teaching his disciples. He kept healing the sick. He kept heading toward the cross and his death for our sake.
As we reflect on these things, considering all that Jesus has done for us, surely our reactions will include thanksgiving, gratitude, awe, and more.
If you are facing hard times and struggling to maintain a sense of gratitude lately, take some time to remember all that Jesus has gone through for us. The good shepherd who laid down his life for you and for me truly is good.
Good Shepherd, thank you for laying down your life for us. Help us to live in gratitude each day and to share your love with others. Amen.
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