The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
— John 1:5
Everything has led to this moment: Jesus is born!
John frames the announcement of Jesus’ birth through the lens of the creation story. Borrowing from Genesis 1, John writes “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John states clearly that Jesus is fully God. This passage also makes clear that Jesus is fully human: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” In Jesus, God became one with us!
Also connecting with the creation story is God’s light that “shines in the darkness”—as well as the insight that “the darkness has not overcome it.” Though Jesus is the “true light that gives light to everyone,” not everyone recognizes or receives him. Yet to all who respond to the light of Christ, he gives them “the right to become children of God.”
By leaning into the creation language from Genesis, John declares that Jesus’ birth is the start of God’s new creation! In Jesus, God has created a new humanity, and he invites us into the light and life of this new creation by receiving Jesus.
Will we receive Jesus today? Will we be part of God’s new humanity and step into the light of God’s grace and truth?
God, help us to recognize and receive Jesus today. Make us like him so that we too may overflow with the light of your grace and truth. Amen.
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