November 29, 2014

The Witness of Good Deeds

Matthew 5:13-16

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
—Matthew 5:16


A wise pastor observed that good Christians make great neighbors. The more we receive and recognize God’s abundance, the more it transforms our lives. The more God’s love fills our lives, the more it overflows into the lives of others.

Think of Christian mentors in your life whose conduct spoke of God’s grace to you in ways that they may not have realized. Tell a Christian friend or family member the ways in which you can see they follow Christ. It will encourage them to hear you describe how they bear witness for God.

Jesus wants his followers to be good examples in what they say and do. Like salt, how can you be a preserving influence today? Like light, how can you be a bright spot for someone today?

Actions often speak louder than words. A worker who does a good job is a blessing to his coworkers, customers, and employer. Bringing a card and meal to a struggling neighbor shows practical love. Praying for people in authority and speaking with politicians puts our faith into action. People and nations who seek justice and love mercy are lights in a dark world.

As we begin thinking of putting up lights for the Christmas season, may they remind us of our role to reflect the Light of lights.

Lord God, fill me with your grace, mercy, and peace. Let it overflow to others in my words and deeds so that people will praise you. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

About the author — Daryl DeKlerk

Daryl DeKlerk pastors a church in Jarvis, Ontario. He is thankful for a sabbatical that enabled him to study the theme of Grace-filled Christian Witness. Daryl and his wife have three young children who keep them on their toes and on their knees in prayer.

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