February 27, 2025

When the Daily News Gets Us Down

Matthew 24:3-14

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

—  Matthew 24:14

Sometimes I get discouraged when I hear about so much evil in our world—there’s so much injustice, godlessness, suffering, immorality, corruption, and more. When doubts start to rise in my mind, I want to cry out, “Lord, where are you? It doesn’t seem like you’re doing much about it, and it’s getting worse by the day.”

But then I recall what Jesus told his disciples when they asked about the future, and I realize that this is exactly what we should expect—wars, calamities, and opposition toward God’s people. And Jesus points out that the main thing that needs to happen before the end is that the gospel needs to be proclaimed everywhere. Later Jesus commissioned his followers, saying, “Go and make disciples of all nations . . .” (Matthew 28:19). And this task is for every generation of Jesus’ followers, including you and me.

The best way to deal with our doubts and worries about what’s happening in the world is to get busy with the work Jesus has given us to do until he comes again. That means proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom—that we are saved through God’s grace in Christ—and backing that up with the consistent, credible witness of showing God’s love in our everyday lives.

Come, Lord Jesus, to bring the fullness of your kingdom here on earth. And empower us to be faithful and effective in spreading your love and good news everywhere. Amen.

About the author — Stan Kruis

Stan Kruis graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1984 and began serving as a missionary in the Philippines, where he met his future wife, Bessie. Together they served in church planting and leadership training in the Philippines. After completing a Ph.D. in intercultural studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, Stan returned with Bessie to the Philippines in 2014, where he taught missions at the Asian Theological Seminary in Manila. Now retired, they live in Michigan. Stan and Bessie have two married children and one grandchild.

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