February 22, 2010

Pathways: Purgings

2 Chronicles 34:1-7

While he was still young, [Josiah] began to seek the God of his father David.
2 Chronicles 34:3


When Josiah was 16 years old, God moved him to seek his face, and the young king found himself drawn to the God of his father David, the people’s great king from four centuries earlier. We can imagine Josiah soaking up the psalms, learning the history of God’s mighty acts for the people of Israel, and walking closer and closer to the covenant–keeping God of his ancestors.

As this young man came to know God in his holiness and faithfulness, a fire grew in his heart. By the time Josiah was 20 years old, he knew what he had to do to move a whole nation to seek God.

Meet Josiah, the idol–smasher! The young king went on a holy rampage. It’s astonishing to read what he did, even to the point of digging up the bones of dead priests and burning them on their own altars as a sign of total separation from all they stood for.

Then, in time, Josiah called the whole nation to seek God. He knew that unless the rituals of worshiping false gods were stopped, and unless the sacred objects of those false religions were shattered, true worship would not flourish.

Repentance is the first step toward God. Total rejection of other gods is the first step in revival. “No” comes before “Yes.” Is there anything blocking us from seeking God today?

Father, I pray that in your mercy you will pour your Spirit into me so that I too may wel–come cleansing and seek you with a pure heart. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen

About the author — Kenneth D. Koeman

Rev. Ken Koeman is a pastor at Bellevue, Washington, Christian Reformed Church. He has written Today devotions in past years and has also authored numerous articles for The Banner, the magazine of the Christian Reformed Church. Ken and his wife, Kay, live in Bellevue and have two children and five grandchildren.

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