By Kurt Selles
January 31, 2025
How do we restore relationships with other people and with God?
This month we will focus on barriers that can block our relationships with God and with each other—and how those barriers can be overcome. We will also reflect on the many people in the world who have virtually no opportunity to hear the good news of salvation and peace with God and with each other through Jesus Christ. We call them unreached people groups. What are the barriers that prevent these people from receiving the gospel (the good news), and what are the bridges for overcoming those barriers?
In these meditations, Stan Kruis draws on decades of cross-cultural experience and biblical reflection to offer insights on “Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges."
February’s author, Stan Kruis, graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1984 and began serving as a missionary in the Philippines, where he met his future wife, Bessie. Together they served in church planting and leadership training in the Philippines. After completing a Ph.D. in intercultural studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, Stan returned with Bessie to the Philippines in 2014, where he taught missions at the Asian Theological Seminary in Manila. Now retired, they live in Michigan. Stan and Bessie have two married children and one grandchild.
As you read the Today devotions this month, may you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in God’s Word!
Begin with day one of Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges here or download the full PDF.
Jordan An
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Kurt Selles
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