My grandchildren love it when I hide plastic eggs all around the house—especially when I put money inside the eggs! And if you have children or grandchildren in your home for Easter, you may spread newspaper on the table and dye some eggs. There might be fancy Easter baskets filled with chocolate eggs and bunnies and brightly colored jelly beans. Perhaps those children will take new stuffed animals to bed to cuddle on Easter night.
But hopefully they will also understand that there’s more to Easter than jelly beans and bunnies. Hopefully they will hear “Alleluia, Christ is Risen!” “Happy Easter!” or “It’s Resurrection Sunday!” Maybe at church they will learn the importance of Easter—that the tomb was empty because Christ is risen.
Here are some Easter devotionals from our Today publications from the last few years to help you prepare to celebrate the empty tomb and the risen Lord. If you and your family share a special brunch or dinner on Easter Sunday, you may want to read the Easter story from Matthew 28 or John 20. And you might also want to share one of these.
May your Easter be a blessed time of celebrating the risen Lord!
Kurt Selles
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Kurt Selles
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