I recently discovered a photo from about 1915 of my grandfather and his younger siblings. I was amused to see how my great uncle, then about six years old, looked so much like my own son when he was six years old. They could be brothers if there wasn't almost a century between them. It's amazing how that family resemblance has persisted through generations!
Scripture calls God our Father, and reminds us that as his children, we too should have a family resemblance. The Apostle John says God is Light, and God is Love, and we are called to reflect his love and light in a dark world. We should look like our Father!
In June, Pastor Rob Jansons explores with us more of what it means to be Children of God. What does it mean for us to call him Father?
Then in July, Pastor Kevin Adams wonders about how we become God's children in Baptism. We have been washed clean and claimed by God—so what does it look like for us to live under the waters of baptism?
May you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in God's word!
Kurt Selles
Christopher Hunt
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
See God's love, power, presence, and purpose in your life every day!