By Jordan An
March 22, 2021
Even as we look forward to celebrating his resurrection on Easter Sunday, it’s important to reflect on the importance of Jesus’ death as the means for our salvation. We remember Christ’s crucifixion with a combination of grief and gratefulness this Good Friday.
These five devotionals from Today include a Scripture passage, reflection, and prayer to help you focus on the cross and turn your eyes to Jesus.
If the disciples called it “good,” it was only after encountering the risen Christ. And would Jesus say that Friday was “good”?
Jesus’ power might not always seem as grand and glorious as the powers of this world, but the joke is on them. Jesus didn’t threaten the Roman Empire because it was no real threat to Jesus.
There were three crosses, with Jesus in the middle. Our salvation could have been accomplished if Jesus had died alone. But that’s not how God designed it.
Through the cross of Christ, God himself entered into our broken lives in this world. For those who wonder whether God cares about our suffering, here is God's answer.
Jesus’ opponents are forever remembered as declaring that he had the authority he claimed. And with that authority he proceeded to the cross—to pay for sin once for all.
In this two-part Groundwork series, explore Matthew’s perspective on the events of Christ’s death and resurrection, including wisdom on facing our guilt and doubts, recognizing the significance of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, and living faithfully as followers of Jesus Christ.
May you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in your faith this Easter season through the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection!
Kurt Selles
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Jordan An
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