By Jordan An
December 4, 2018
Habits. Resolutions. Goals. Whatever you call them, we all make them.
When the New Year rolls around, dreams and ideas we’ve pushed aside seem possible again. We feel a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. And whether it’s our diet, exercise routine, spiritual life, or relationships, we feel a strong pull to get our priorities back in order to lay a positive foundation for the rest of the year.
However, if there’s one thing New Year’s Resolutions are known for, it’s being broken. Goals made for the sake of ritual or based on wishful thinking almost never come to fruition. That’s why it’s important to ensure that our reason for setting New Year’s goals isn’t fleeting, but will endure far beyond the first few weeks of January and keep us motivated when excuses creep in.
Find Your Why
What is motivating you to reboot your devotional habit? Is it a desire to pray more, dig deeper into Scripture, or develop a relationship with God that you’ve been neglecting all together? Ground your devotional practice in your “why.” Come back to it regularly, especially when you feel the urge to give up.
Find Your How
Now that you’ve committed to a devotional habit, you can decide what that looks like for you. Is it an email devotional? A read the Bible in a year plan? An app on your phone? Devotions can take whatever form you want them to. If you are intentional about finding a devotional practice that best fits your personal lifestyle and your “why,” you’ll be more likely to stick to it. Find more detailed tips about how to do your devotions here.
If you’re looking for a simple daily devotion focused on Scripture, reflection, and prayer, subscribe to Today here.
Find Your When
When will you do your devotions? First, consider what time of day you are most focused and least distracted. Then based on that time, decide what’s most practical for your schedule. Devotions don’t necessarily need to be done at the same time every day, but doing so will help cement this as routine in your life. You can find 6 suggestions for when to do your devotions here.
Give Yourself Grace
As you seek to grow in your spiritual journey, remember that your devotions are not the end in themselves, but are simply a means to grow deeper in faith and obedience to God. Your devotional habit will only serve you well if it leads you closer to Jesus. So, if you find yourself falling behind or missing a day, give yourself the same grace that God extends to you.
Be assured that God’s love for you is not dependent on your perfection and that his deepest desire is simply to know you. He tells us: “I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6, NLT).
See our other resources on making personal devotions a habit
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
See God's love, power, presence, and purpose in your life every day!