Our October theme for the Today devotions, written by George Young, is “Images of Salvation.”
What do grapes, a deer, a beautiful bride, and a bronze snake on a pole have in common? Nothing at all, at first glance. But as we read the Bible passages and devotions in October, we’ll see a pattern emerging. This collection that at first appears as unrelated items begins to have something in common.
Our author for the month of October says it this way: “The Bible uses vivid images and parables that help us better understand salvation. We need these helpful word pictures and stories because our eyes and ears are not yet used to heavenly realities.” And so we will work through some of the down-to-earth images of salvation that the Bible contains. We’ll discover more and more of these images as we go through the month. We’ll barely scratch the surface, but we’ll see how looking at these often simple images helps us to understand more clearly the incredible majesty and power of salvation that is available to each one of us through Jesus Christ.
We’ll see how a fountain, a curtain, a rock, a lamb—and other images—can bring us closer to Christ and help us see him more vividly in our own lives. These many down-to-earth word pictures described in the Bible take focus as “Images of Salvation.”
George Young was a taxi driver in New York City before studying to become a pastor. He and his wife worked for many years as missionaries in Japan before their retirement. They now live in the northeastern United States, near their children and grandchildren.
As you read the Today devotionals this month, may you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in God’s Word!
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Kurt Selles
Christopher Hunt
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