By Scott Hoezee
May 31, 2018
Our June theme for the Today devotions, written by Scott Hoezee, is “Philippians: The Mind of Christ.”
Have you ever thought about what might be your favorite book of the Bible? Or do you have a favorite verse? If so, why is it so special to you?
Many people, when asked that question, might mention something from the book of Psalms in the Old Testament, or maybe one of the gospels. Many comment that their favorite is the New Testament book of Philippians. They readily quote familiar verses, such as “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” Or “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!” Or the familiar phrase in Philippians 2—“Have this mind in you, which is in Christ Jesus.”
In our Today devotional this June, we’re going to dig into the book of Philippians, verse by verse and chapter by chapter. The apostle Paul writes this book to the early church in the city of Philippi, which he had helped start years before. He is now writing from a prison cell in Rome, and he would have many reasons to complain about his situation. And yet he writes an upbeat, affirming, and positive letter to these Christians, encouraging them in the work they are doing. He states that he has learned the secret of contentment. He also challenges the Philippian Christians to remain faithful and steadfast to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I hope you enjoy this somewhat different set of devotions this month. And it is my prayer that when the month is over, you will also be affirmed in your faith and challenged to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Reverend Scott Hoezee has been a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church for many years. Currently he is on the faculty at Calvin Theological Seminary, where he serves as the director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching. He is also co-host of our sister outreach Groundwork, a Bible podcast that can be heard at
As you read the Today devotionals this month, may you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in God’s Word!
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