Men today face numerous and conflicting ideas about masculinity and what it means to be a man. Yet, the Scriptures clearly call men to live up to certain standards and meet certain responsibilities as sons, workers, husbands, fathers, and more. And the Bible makes it plain that the man who succeeds is the one who lives his life submitted to God (Psalm 1). Therefore, we need to refresh ourselves regularly in his Word and by his Spirit.
However, in our busy lives, time spent with God is often overlooked or at least minimized. I’d like to share with you resources for your personal devotions that will help you draw nearer to God, secure you in his love and promises, and equip you to walk submitted to him in all areas of your life. These devotional series from Today touch on key elements foundational to knowing God and knowing yourself as a man of God. Each devotion will get you into God’s Word and in prayer in as little as five minutes.
As men who have trusted in the name of Jesus Christ, we are children of God. Our Heavenly Father gives us our core identity which has been forged out of who he is. In the “Names of God,” Kurt Selles explores with us who God is and the names by which we can know him. This 31-day series of devotions anchors us in the bedrock of God’s character in these turbulent days. You can read just one each day or read several if you have more time.
We are called as disciples, or followers, of Christ. Who is this Jesus whose death and resurrection opened the way to the Father? Kurt Selles continues his exploration of the names of God in a devotional series called “Names and Titles of Jesus.” Let these devotions strengthen you in who Christ is, our Savior, Lord, Brother, and Friend.
As disciples of Jesus Christ one of our great purposes is to be more like him. In “Becoming More Holy: The Story of Ron,” Keith Mannes shares immensely personal insights from his friendship with Ron, a man who came to Christ later in life and was transformed by him. These devotions will renew your spirit as Jesus teaches us how we may be more like him. They read almost like a story—you’ll likely read more than one at a sitting.
Jesus commands that we love each other to show that we are his disciples. It’s in our relationships as sons, workers, husbands, fathers and more, where this commandment comes into full play. In a series of devotions called “Loving One Another,” George Vink breaks down what love looks like in our everyday relationships.
In our work, relationships, and leadership we need God’s wisdom. If we ask for wisdom, he will give it (James 1:5). Henry Kranenburg guides us through a series of devotions, “Becoming People of Wisdom,” to help us embrace the wisdom of Jesus Christ dwelling in our hearts.
In an era when ideas about masculinity and manhood fly this way and that it’s important that we set aside our culturally or politically-prescribed notions and prejudices and believe what God tells us about being men. These devotional series from Today can help ground us in basic truths: who God is, who we are to him, and how then we should live.
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
See God's love, power, presence, and purpose in your life every day!