By Jordan An
December 2, 2022
Whether it’s at dinner on Christmas Eve, before opening presents on Christmas Day, or waking up on December 26, reading a short Christmas devotion is a great way to focus our hearts and minds on the true meaning of the season.
Each devotion from Today contains a short Bible verse, reflection, and prayer. Listed below are five short Christmas devotions each for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and for the day after Christmas (Boxing Day) as you celebrate the birth of Jesus:
What does it take to truly celebrate Christmas? “To believe what is completely unbelievable to many people, to accept God’s will for our lives, and to place ourselves in God’s service.”
“It’s Christmas Eve tonight. Are you willing to take God at his word, no matter your circumstances, and believe in Jesus as your Savior?”
“Jesus rules the whole world, and his rule is one of peace. That news is light for a darkened world.”
“On this Christmas Eve, may we set aside our busyness and simply enjoy the gifts God has given us. May we be ready to rest in God’s goodness as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.”
“The baby born in Bethlehem has significance for the whole world. He is the Savior, the one who saves us from our sins.”
“Perhaps on this Christmas Day you are finding it difficult to feel joy. Perhaps there is an empty chair at your table. If so, the Christmas message is for you…”
“Dear brothers and sisters, this is the great mystery of Christmas: Almighty God became a helpless infant. Because of the Word—Jesus in the flesh—we are not alone on our journey.”
“Let’s marvel that in this little bundle lies the power that will change our lives—and this world—forever.”
“The invitation still stands: Come to Bethlehem. Come and be a part of something new: a new king, a new kingdom, a new way of life.”
“The purpose of the Messiah’s coming was to bring God’s love to lowly people like us and to fulfill the hopes and dreams of lowly people like us.”
“Many of us have now celebrated Christmas. We’ve had parties and exchanged gifts. And we need to ask ourselves, Did we see the Savior, or did we just go through the motions?”
“Christmas is past. We too must be ready to move on. Before we do, though, let me ask, ‘Have you seen Jesus, the Savior of the world?’”
“In this season after Christmas, we rejoice in the fact that Jesus was born. We rejoice that God loved the world enough to send his only Son.”
“Jesus indicates that we honor him best when we dress down and serve others—and not just on the day after Christmas.”
“Every year I try to hold on to Christmas for a little while longer… Though we cannot stay at the manger, there are ways we can hold on to Christmas.”
Wherever you find yourself this Christmas season, we pray that you will be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in your spirit by “the good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10).
Explore more Christmas devotions for every occasion from Today.
Kurt Selles
Christopher Hunt
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
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