By Kurt Selles
October 30, 2020
Many people are talking about political leaders right now. Much of the attention is focused on the upcoming presidential election in the United States. Some people are worried, while others are excited. Some people see storm clouds ahead, but others are focused on the potential silver lining. And, as Christians, we wonder how God is working through this situation and what good God will bring out of it.
Throughout scripture God has always brought about his plan through kings. In fact, the theme of kingship weaves like a golden thread from the beginning of the Bible to its end. Along the way, we find lots of variations on the theme: successes and failures, wise kings and foolish ones, surprising twists and turns revealing what a true kingdom is.
So let’s trace some threads of this rich theme in the Bible: Who is the world’s true King? And what kind of kingdom is God bringing to the earth? All of this points to Jesus. Along with his many other titles (Savior, Teacher, Son of Man, Son of God), the Bible declares that Jesus is the world’s true King. His kingdom is unlike any this world has ever seen and known. And coming to know and follow him as King is the greatest adventure of our lives.
Our writer for November, Darrin Compagner, serves as a pastor at Blythefield Christian Reformed Church in Rockford, Michigan. He lives there with his wife and four children, all of whom identify with the kings and queens in C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia.
As you read the Today devotions this month, may you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in God’s Word!
Begin with day one of The World’s True King here or download the full PDF.
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
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