Where are you? This simple question has complicated answers. Maybe you’re sitting in a comfortable chair in your living room, or perhaps you’re sitting at your computer at your office or holding a phone while commuting. Those are geographical answers to the question, and they could also be snarkily unhelpful, like “on planet Earth” or “circling the sun like every day!’
But “Where are you?” could be looking for a spiritual answer. God asked that question of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, after they fell into sin (Genesis 3:9). And he asks that question of us today. He’s not looking for a physical answer. He wants to know where we are in our walk with him—where we are spiritually.
Our March theme for the Today devotions, written by Professor Arie C. Leder, is “Where Are You?” As we journey through Lent this month, Professor Leder is going to help us answer that question. We’re going to look at the Israelites—and at Jesus—as they spent time in the wilderness. We will note how we experience wilderness times in our life. We will look at the seven deadly sins and see how we can be strengthened against those sins. And near the end of the month we will follow Jesus as he travels on the road to Jerusalem and his eventual death on Good Friday.
Professor Leder is now retired after teaching Old Testament Studies at Calvin Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for nearly 40 years.
As you read the Today devotionals this month, may you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in God’s Word!
Christopher Hunt
Jordan An
Kurt Selles
Jordan An
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