Daily Devotions about: God's Plan

Date Title Scripture Reference Topics
April 12, 2025 A Donkey Matthew 21:1-5 God, Jesus, God's Plan
April 11, 2025 Chief Priests and Teachers Matthew 20:17-19 God, Jesus, God's Plan
January 3, 2025 Trust, Follow, and Step Out in Faith Deuteronomy 1:19-25 Bible, Books of the Bible, Deuteronomy, God, God's Plan
September 2, 2024 Better than Before! Isaiah 43:16-21 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, God, God's Plan
August 3, 2024 Didn’t You Know? Luke 2:41-52 God, Jesus, God's Plan
July 5, 2024 Pharaoh’s Dreams Genesis 41:25-40 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Bible Characters, Joseph, God, God's Plan
September 17, 2023 The Beginning of the Road Back Ruth 1:1-7 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges
September 24, 2022 Make Bread for Yourself Ezekiel 4:1-16 Obedience, God, God's Plan
March 7, 2022 Keeping Up Hope in the Long Storm Acts 27:13-44 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, God, God's Plan, Life, Emotions, Hope
March 6, 2022 I Will Be With You Isaiah 43:1-4 Assurance, Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, God, God's Plan
November 25, 2021 The Promise 2 Samuel 7:1-17 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan
November 19, 2021 Mourning Foe and Friend 2 Samuel 1:1-27 Bible, Bible Characters, David, God, God's Plan
November 17, 2021 When the Answer is No 1 Samuel 28:3-20 Obedience, Bible, Bible Characters, David, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 6, 2021 In The King’s Service 1 Samuel 16:14-23 Bible, Bible Characters, David, God, God's Plan
April 9, 2020 God's Battle Mark 14:32-52 Goodness, Bible, Books of the Bible, Mark, God, God's Plan
April 7, 2020 What Belongs to God? Mark 12:13-17 Bible, Books of the Bible, Mark, God, God's Plan
February 26, 2020 God's Bigger Plan Jeremiah 29:10-14 God, God's Plan, Life, Emotions, Hope, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Promises
February 17, 2020 More Than a Platitude Romans 8:18-30 God, God's Will, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Purpose
February 3, 2020 Fears for the Future Isaiah 41:8-14 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear, Christian Life, The Future
January 27, 2020 Living God's Way Today Matthew 5:17-20 Obedience, Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Matthew, God's Word, God, God's Will, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God, Following Jesus
December 19, 2019 No Remedy 2 Chronicles 36:11-20 Mercy, Bible, God's Word, Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan
December 13, 2019 The Cure for Messiness Genesis 38:24-30 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, God, God's Will, God's Plan
December 4, 2019 Glimmers of Hope Genesis 4:25-5:5 Bible, Good News, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan, Life, Emotions, Hope
December 1, 2019 In the Beginning Matthew 1:1, 16; Luke 3:23-24, 37-38 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Matthew, Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, God, God's Plan
October 9, 2019 The Author Acts 3:11-26 Bible, Books of the Bible, Acts, God, God's Plan
August 13, 2019 We are God's Inheritance! Deuteronomy 4:15-20 Christianity, The Church, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Provision
August 4, 2019 The Prosperity of Job Job 42:10-16 Faithfulness, God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Wealth
July 23, 2019 Who Knew? Judges 14:4 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Weakness, Personal Growth, Redemption
July 21, 2019 Birth of a Savior Judges 13:1-7, 17-25 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Promises
July 11, 2019 Jael as the Hand of God Judges 4:11-24 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Help, Personal Growth, Redemption
June 29, 2019 God Will Take Care of You Acts 28:1-16 Healing, Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, God, God's Plan
June 26, 2019 Festus: Puzzled by Paul Acts 25:1-22 Bible, Good News, Bible Characters, Paul, God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
June 24, 2019 God's Plan Triumphs Acts 22:30-23:35 God, God's Will, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Resisting God
June 17, 2019 In Step with God Acts 15:36-16:40 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Missions
June 2, 2019 The Story of God's Promises Acts 7:1-22 Faithfulness, Bible, Bible Characters, Steven, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Promises
May 31, 2019 What's Next? Acts 1:1-11 Evangelism, Faithfulness, Christianity, Doctrine, Ascension, God, God's Plan
May 28, 2019 Finished! -- And Finishing Well Hebrews 12:1-3 Christianity, Doctrine, Ascension, God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
May 15, 2019 Greater Things John 14:1-14 Christianity, Doctrine, Ascension, God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life
May 8, 2019 The Same Mission as Always Luke 2:41-52 God, God's Will, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Focus
April 14, 2019 God's Eternal Plan John 12:12-19 Christianity, Discipleship, Praise, God, God's Plan
April 2, 2019 Chosen, Loved, Called Ephesians 1:3-6 Chosen, Theology, Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan
January 28, 2019 Messing With the Status Quo Luke 13:10-17 God, God's Plan, Miracles, Life, Emotions, Joy
January 26, 2019 The Smallest Line Mark 8:22-26 Bible, Life of Jesus, God, God's Plan, Miracles, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
January 5, 2019 The Bigger Picture John 9:1-7 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Focus
December 17, 2018 Faithfulness and Deliverance 2 Kings 18:1-8 Faithfulness, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
December 8, 2018 God’s Providence Genesis 45:1-7 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Promises
December 6, 2018 Offering Isaac Genesis 22:1-19 Sacrifice, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Provision
November 12, 2018 Like Jewels in a Crown Zechariah 9:9-17 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Promises
September 14, 2018 When God Says No 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 28, 2018 Seeking Shalom in Hardship Jeremiah 29:4-14 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges
August 20, 2018 Living Out the Story of God Luke 10:1-12 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Community
August 12, 2018 Living and Receiving the Gospel 1 Kings 17:7-24 Hospitality, Evangelism, Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, God's Plan
July 25, 2018 Ask Matthew 7:7-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
July 15, 2018 Healed Matthew 9:18-26 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges
July 2, 2018 Stuff Luke 5:1-11 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Focus, Seeking God
June 29, 2018 Surprise Ending Philippians 4:21-22 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
May 17, 2018 Fire and Calling Exodus 3:1-15 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, God, God's Will, God's Plan
May 15, 2018 Understanding the Times Acts 1:15-20 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Holy Spirit, God's Plan
May 10, 2018 “Why You Leave Me?” Acts 1:1-11 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Work, Christian Life, Promises
May 6, 2018 A Glimpse of Ascension Day Psalm 110 Eternity, God, Jesus, God's Plan
May 2, 2018 Leaving and Blessing Genesis 12:1-7 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Purpose
May 1, 2018 Linking Us Together Genesis 1:26-31 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Community
January 22, 2018 The Rejected Stone Becomes Precious Psalm 118:15-27 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan, God's Kingdom
January 15, 2018 Jesus, the Kingdom Messenger Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:14-21 Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness, Discipleship, Grace, God, God's Plan
January 11, 2018 O Little Town of Bethlehem Micah 5:2-4; Matthew 2:1-6 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Discipleship, Praise, God, God's Plan
January 3, 2018 From the Tribe of Judah Genesis 49:8-12 God, God's Plan, Life, Family & Relationships
December 28, 2017 Joseph, Son of David Matthew 1:18-25 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Work
December 22, 2017 Queen Esther Esther 4 Christianity, Discipleship, Praise, God, God's Plan
December 9, 2017 Dreaming Joseph Genesis 37:1-11; 50:15-26 Goodness, God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges
June 25, 2017 A Time to Uproot Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth
June 7, 2017 The Mystery of Seeds Mark 4:26-29 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Trust
June 6, 2017 Plowing and Rest Exodus 34:10-21 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Work
June 5, 2017 Desolation and Rest Isaiah 55:9-13 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
February 5, 2017 One Single Seed Luke 13:18-19 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, God, God's Plan, God's Kingdom
February 3, 2017 Why Are We Here? Matthew 25:14-23 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
January 31, 2017 Same Old, Same Old? Proverbs 9:1-6, 13-18 God, God's Will, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life
January 22, 2017 Bread in Bethlehem Ruth 3:14-18 God, God's Plan, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Redemption
January 17, 2017 Merciful, Noble, Obedient Ruth 1:16-17; 3:1-13 God, God's Plan, Life, Family & Relationships, Christian Life
January 13, 2017 A Righteous Israelite Ruth 2:1-16 Integrity, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life
January 9, 2017 The World We Live In Esther 1:10-22 Integrity, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life
January 8, 2017 And What About God? Genesis 39 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, God's Will, God's Plan
January 7, 2017 Far From Home 2 Kings 24:8-17 Christianity, Doctrine, Heaven, God, God's Plan, God's Kingdom
January 6, 2017 Famine and Death Ruth 1:3-5 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
January 5, 2017 What’s in a Name? 1 Samuel 9:1-4; Esther 2:1-8 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Christian Life
January 4, 2017 O Hungry Town of Bethlehem Ruth 1:1-5 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Provision
December 16, 2015 Wait Quietly Lamentations 3:19-26 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
December 15, 2015 Impatience 1 Samuel 13:1-14 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 29, 2015 God Works for Our Good Romans 8:28-30 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering
July 10, 2015 Philip and the Ethiopian: Loving Questions Acts 8:26-40 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 8, 2015 Job and Friends: Trusting in God’s Control Job 19:23-29 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 6, 2015 Eli and Samuel: Listening for God 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Listening, God, God's Plan
July 4, 2015 Joseph and His Brothers: Seeing God’s Plan Genesis 45:1-15 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges
July 3, 2015 Abraham and Isaac: Obedience Genesis 22:1-14 Obedience, God, God's Plan
July 2, 2015 Elijah and the Widow: Learning to Trust 1 Kings 17:7-16 Obedience, God, God's Plan
June 24, 2015 Our True Home 1 Peter 2:1-10 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
June 23, 2015 Undoing Baptism? Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Christianity, Baptism, God, God's Plan
June 15, 2015 Changed Acts 16:25-40 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan
June 12, 2015 Every Nation, Tribe, and People Revelation 7:9-17 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan
June 10, 2015 Everyone and Anyone Acts 8:26-40 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan
April 13, 2015 Witness Through Sharing Acts 2:42-47 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, God, God's Plan
April 10, 2015 Do Christians Doubt? John 20:24-29 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 1, 2015 The Suffering Savior Isaiah 53 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Plan
February 27, 2015 Faithful Witness Revelation 1:1-8 God, God's Plan, God's Names
January 31, 2015 All Things Made New Revelation 21:1-14, 22-27 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, The Future
January 30, 2015 New Heavens and a New Earth Isaiah 65:17-25 Christianity, Doctrine, Heaven, God, God's Plan
January 29, 2015 They Sang a New Song Revelation 5 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, God, God's Plan
January 28, 2015 No More Groaning Romans 8:18-27 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
January 12, 2015 Something New: Hope Jeremiah 31:31-34 Christianity, Sin, God, God's Plan
January 11, 2015 Something Old, Something New Isaiah 40:21-31 Christianity, Sin, God, God's Plan
December 31, 2014 A Strange Way to Save the World Jeremiah 29:11-13 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 28, 2014 Outwitted Matthew 2:16-23 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 27, 2014 Cutting-edge Plans Matthew 2:13-15 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 22, 2014 Seeking Jesus Matthew 2:1-11 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 21, 2014 Simply Trusting Matthew 1:24-25 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 20, 2014 The Weight of Answering the Call Matthew 1:19-23 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 19, 2014 No Escape Matthew 1:18-21 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 17, 2014 Disappointment Luke 2:33-35 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 16, 2014 Catching the Vision Luke 2:25-32 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 15, 2014 Waiting for Something Better Luke 2:22-26 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 14, 2014 Contemplative Luke 2:19-21 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 13, 2014 Surprised and Amazed Luke 2:16-18 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 8, 2014 Undeserved Favor Luke 1:39-45 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 6, 2014 Impossible Plans and Nagging Doubts Luke 1:31-35 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 5, 2014 The Trouble With Good News Luke 1:26-33 Bible, God, God's Plan
December 2, 2014 A Surprising Turnaround Luke 1:5-13 Bible, God, God's Plan
October 13, 2014 Who Crucified Jesus? Acts 4:23-31 Bible, God, God's Plan
June 4, 2014 Did God Lose Control? Romans 8:18-25 Bible, God, God's Plan
March 2, 2014 A Murderous Plot and Betrayal Mark 14:1-2, 10-11 Bible, God, God's Plan
January 24, 2014 Tell the Story Nehemiah 9:1-21 Bible, God, God's Plan
March 27, 2013 A Follower's Gratitude Mark 14:3-11 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, The Cross, God, God's Plan
January 29, 2013 Unless the Lord Builds Psalm 127 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, God, God's Plan, Life
January 22, 2013 You Are Special! Psalm 139:13-14 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, God, God's Plan, Life
December 3, 2012 Waiting for His Son 1Thessalonians 1 God, God's Plan, Seasons, Christmas
October 12, 2012 Yeast in the Kingdom? Luke 13:20-21 Christianity, Sin, God, God's Plan, God's Kingdom
February 25, 2011 Getting What We Ask For Galatians 5:16-25 Bible, Bible Characters, Christianity, Discipleship, God, God's Plan
December 23, 2010 Who's in Charge? Luke 2:1-7 God, God's Plan, Seasons, Christmas