December 21, 2010

How God Gets Us Where He Wants Us

Luke 1:5-25

Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.”
Luke 1:18


God always has the last word. Even when it looks as if life has passed us by, God is busy behind the scenes to get us where he wants us.

Sometimes God uses even our disappointments, our pain and hurts and failures, to fulfill his plan for our lives.

Zechariah and Elizabeth, an elderly couple who had lived close to the Lord all of their lives, had one great disappointment. They had no children, and because of their age they realized they would probably die without having a child of their own.

Then one day Zechariah got the surprise of his life. While Zechariah was on priest duty at the temple, an angel came to tell him that he and his wife would soon have a child. And this was not to be just any child. Their son would be a special prophet who would announce the coming of the Savior.

While Zechariah and Elizabeth had given up the hope of having a child, God was busy behind the scenes preparing the way for the Messiah. They would play a significant role in God’s plan of salvation.

The angel’s message to Zechariah was a reminder to him and to all of us that God writes the script for our lives. God still has a plan, and he wants to use each one of us. And God still has the last word.

Lord, help us to see your hand in our lives. And use us as you carry out your plan for your coming kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About the author — Arthur J. Schoonveld

Rev. Art Schoonveld is a retired minister in the Christian Reformed Church. Before retiring in 2001, he served churches in California, Illinois, and Michigan. Since his retirement he has worked part-time for the denomination and has served as an interim pastor. Art and his wife, Anita, have four children and nine grandchildren.

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