January 15, 2007

If God Is Pouring

2 Kings 4:1-7

"Don't ask for just a few." 2 Kings 4:3


Today, if I built something that looked like a lemonade stand and set it up on a sidewalk with a sign that said, "Free Gas," I'm pretty sure there would be a commotion. If the sign said, "Bring your own container," it would be even more interesting. Would you bring a one-gallon container? A five? A ten? With gasoline prices going higher and higher, you'd be foolish not to bring the largest container you have.

The widow of a godly prophet was in grief, and her sons were on the verge of being sold into slavery. But soon, by God's power, her little oil jar began pumping like an offshore rig, and she had as much oil as she could contain. Following Elisha's advice, she had rounded up as many jars as possible, and God filled them all.

So it is with the blood of Jesus. His death on the cross pumps forgiveness into as many hearts as will open to be filled. So it is also with the Holy Spirit. God opens the fountains of grace, life, and hope through Jesus. "Be filled with the Spirit," says Ephesians 5:18.

But how often have we stood before God with just one small container, the size of a shot glass? Why isn't the line longer to get what God is giving, and why do we so often seem to just want a little?

Bring your heart. Open it big and wide. Kneel before God and say ...

Father, I bring you my empty heart. Please, please, fill it with your love, so that I may serve you. Fill me with your Spirit, Lord, so that I may live for you. In Jesus' name, Amen.

About the author — Keith Mannes

Keith Mannes serves as pastor at Highland Christian Reformed Church in McBain, Michigan. Keith and his wife, Alicia, recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary,
and they are thankful for their three children—Eben, Charis, and Breanna.

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