October 26, 2007

Jesus' Tears

Luke 19:28-44

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it...
Luke 19:41


When you were a child, did you ever see your mother cry? I have only two memories of my mom crying when I was small. I remember those times because adults "aren't supposed to cry." They're supposed to be strong and in charge! When they cry, children take notice.

The same thing happens when I see (or read about) Jesus crying. I take notice when God weeps, and I wonder why such a thing should happen.

Actually, there are many reasons for Jesus to cry. The agony of the cross lies before him. The crowds that are cheering him now will be calling for his death in just a few days. The people who know him well will also desert him. On top of that, the religious leaders who should have stood with him have turned their backs on him. Soon Jesus' heavenly Father will do that as well.

But the reason Jesus gives for his tears is that he is filled with grief-not for himself but for the people around him. They are tragically and chronically blind to their need for the work that Jesus is there to do.

I picture Jesus' grief as the opposite of the joy of heaven, when people's blindness is ended and they see enough to come to repentance (see Luke 15:7, 10, 22-24). I also picture it as an expression of the love that brought Jesus to the cross in the first place. His grief I will always remember with gratitude.

<p>Dear God, the tears of your Son show us some&shy;thing of your own love for us. Thank you for permitting us to see, and help us to live thankfully for you. Amen.</p>

About the author — David Den Haan

Pastor Dave Den Haan has served at Fairway Christian Reformed Church in Jenison, Michigan, since 1999. Previously he served a church in Minnesota. Dave and his wife, Connie, have three children.

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