December 02, 2011

Jesus, the Light of the World

Luke 2:22-35

“My eyes have seen your salvation … a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”
Luke 2:30, 32


The baby who was born in the manger in Bethlehem, the young man who grew up in a carpentry shop in Nazareth, and the man who died on the cross in Jerusalem are one and the same. This is Jesus, the light of the world. Jesus is the sun of justice and the bright morning star. He is the light that illuminates humanity—for humanity, with all its wisdom, is cradled in darkness. But Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Without Jesus, people are still held captive in the empire of darkness. Even though they may be refined by culture and filled with a sense of intense religiosity, they are still held prisoners of deceit. But Jesus came to liberate us from the realm of night. He is the light of the world, and those who follow him do not walk in darkness; rather, their life is like the light of a new dawn that shines brighter and brighter till it breaks forth into a perfect day.

When Jesus, through his Spirit, comes into your life, you are transformed and you receive a new heart, a new mind, a new name, a new family, and a new citizenship. You become a child of the light, you live in the light, and you walk safely and securely toward the light of heaven.

My Lord and my God, you are the true light that can illumine my soul. Please dissipate every cloud that has blurred my vision and has held me in darkness. In your name, Amen.

About the author — Hernandes Lopes

Hernandes became the Portuguese ministry leader for Today's sister Portuguese ministry in 2010. He also serves as the director of the organization Luz Para o Caminho (Light for the Way), an organization formed in partnership between ReFrame and the Presbyterian
Church of Brazil. Hernandes has authored more than 160 books and is a popular and respected conference speaker in Brazil. Hernandes graduated from Seminário Presbiteriano do Sul in Brazil and earned a Doctorate of Ministry from Reformed Theological Seminary in
Jackson, MS.

Hernandes and his wife, Tinha, have two adult children.

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