October 28, 2005

Leaders Do It First

John 13:12-17

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1


It’s much easier to challenge others to do evangelism than to be personally involved in it. This is especially true if we find ourselves in a leadership position.

One key biblical principle is that leaders must first do what they call others to do. A leader does not hang back waiting to see what others are doing and then follow them. A leader is out front, demonstrating how to live and act. A godly leader does not conform to the status quo but sets the standard for others to follow. A leader who follows Christ leads by example.

 One way to demonstrate this is by placing a string on a table. When you pull the string, it will follow you. But if you push it, it bunches up and doesn’t move forward well. When it comes to leading people, things go much the same way. They need to follow a person who is out front and leading by example.

 Jesus, the greatest leader of all, took a towel and washed his disciples’ feet. When he finished, he said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” That’s leadership!

 When it comes to witnessing, leaders must do it first. They are to lead the way in following Christ and in sharing Christ with others.

 Whose salvation are you regularly praying for? Who are you personally befriending and bringing to Christ?

Lord Jesus, you came to seek, to serve, and to save what was lost. We want to follow you, our leader. As we do, may we be useful in leading others to you. Amen.

About the author — Dan Jongsma

Daniel Jongsma serves as an interim pastor in Fulton, Illinois. He has pastored congregations in Elmhurst and Fulton, Illinois; in Dearborn, Michigan; and in Nashville, Tennessee. Dan also served as a church planter in the Chicago area. He and his wife, Gloria, have three daughters and four grandchildren.

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