August 31, 2013

Looking Into the Future

Romans 10:9-13

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
—Romans 10:13


Many of us are especially attracted to weather forecasts. When a weather report is on the radio or television, we listen intently, trying to process the information. We are mesmerized by the sure tone of the reporter, the countless digits, and the animated movements of cold or warm fronts on the map. There’s something very human in this desire to glance into tomorrow and make sense of the seeming chaos.

Modern meteorology provides only limited precision in forecasting weather for the next few days. Yet it’s still better than many other predictions in our world. So many events may change our life abruptly and unexpectedly.

But today’s verses give us a sense of sure hope when we reflect on our eternal destiny in Jesus Christ. The Bible proclaims that we are saved when we call out to Jesus, when we ask for his forgiveness, acceptance, and love. That is God’s ironclad guarantee.

To quote the theologian and pastor John Calvin, “the grace of God penetrates into the abyss of death.” This grace overcomes our sin and secures our salvation. Like the thief on the cross, every one of us has to say, “Jesus, remember me!” (Luke 23:42), and we will be saved. Arguably, that’s the most definite and predictable thing in our lives.

Father in heaven, thank you for assuring our salvation in your grace. With your Spirit, open our hearts to your gos-pel. Bless us in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

About the author — Sergei Sosedkin

Sergei Sosedkin is the Russian-language ministry leader for ReFrame Ministries. He is a native of Moscow, Russia. As he oversees the Russian-language ministry, Sosedkin works from our office in Grand Rapids and in various locations in Russia.

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