Having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
—Ephesians 4:25 (ESV)
Paul reminds the Christians in Ephesus that they are no longer who they were. They are new creatures, renewed in Christ!
They used to find it acceptable to be selfish and greedy, but now they are different. They used to find it acceptable to tell lies, but now they are different. They used to think of only themselves, but now they are members of one another.
When we become believers in Christ, he makes us into new people, and Paul calls us all to live into our new identity. We are different, and that should show in the way we live!
One of the differences is speaking the truth. We no longer deceive; we no longer put “spin” on the truth; we no longer blur the edges to our advantage at the expense of our neighbor. We speak the truth. We ask for the truth. Truthfulness is a marker of what it looks like to be one of Christ’s renewed people.
And in Christ’s world, treating our neighbor truthfully only makes sense, since we are members of one another. Lying, stealing, and cheating a neighbor is not only no longer our nature; it damages the body of which we are a part. We belong to each other. We are not our own, but belong to Christ. May we live each day deeper into that reality!
Christ Jesus, we seek to be the new people you have re-newed us to be. Help us to always speak the truth in love and live as your children. In your name we pray. Amen.
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