March 14, 2025

Redemptive Reflection

Psalm 139:23-24

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

—  Psalm 139:23-24

Engaging in personal reflection leads to self-discovery and growth. Taking time to explore our thoughts, emotions, and actions can lead us to redemptive, healing, and empowering outcomes.

In my own life, I’ve experienced the benefit of reflective practices. Through the examen of Ignatius, for example, I’ve learned to discern God’s presence in my daily life, identify areas for improvement, and seek God’s guidance for the future. This exercise has brought clarity, peace, and a deep sense of purpose.

Taking a personal inventory has also been beneficial to me. By honestly assessing my strengths, weaknesses, and values, I’ve been able to make intentional decisions aligned with my beliefs and aspirations. This self-awareness has led to personal growth and a stronger sense of identity.

Imagination is important in reflective practices. Envisioning different outcomes or a favorable future can inspire hope, motivate us, and build our resilience. We can see beyond our current situation and consider new possibilities.

Psalm 139:23-24 reminds us to invite God into our self-reflection, asking him to reveal any areas in our lives that need redemption and guidance. This process leads us on a path of healing and empowerment guided by the Lord’s wisdom and grace.

Father in heaven, guide us to seek your wisdom. May our introspection be redemptive and healing, aligning us with your purposes. Amen.

About the author — Darrell Delaney

Darrell Delaney is a cohost of ReFrame’s podcast ministry Groundwork and serves as lead chaplain with Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry in Michigan. He considers it his life’s calling to create and facilitate life-giving environments in which people can thrive and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Darrell and his wife, Kia, have three children. He enjoys spending time with family, walking, reading, and playing basketball, chess, and video games.

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