September 04, 2012

The Focal Point

Colossians 1:15-23

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
—Colossians 1:17


Leonardo da Vinci and other artists in the Italian Renaissance mastered the use of the focal point and the vanishing point, which give perspective to a painting. They learned that objects near you appear larger, while objects in the distance seem smaller. So, if you want to draw a house that looks natural, draw lines from the peak of the roof and the base of the foundation that extend all the way to the vanishing point on the horizon. You will begin to see the outline of the house, and then you can work from there. Similarly, the focal point in a picture is the point to which all elements in the picture draw your eye.

Christ is the focal point that gives perspective to our lives. Without a focal point, certain parts of life may loom too large, while other parts are not large enough. Everything is out of proportion; somehow it just doesn’t come together into a life that makes sense.

“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” If our lives are centered in Christ, we will have the right reference point to guide all our pathways, to help us make the many decisions necessary for a well-balanced life.

Jesus teaches us to “seek first” the kingdom of God “and his righteousness,” and all the things we need will be given to us (Matthew 6:33).

Thank you, Jesus, for such amazing grace that we may know you, the Lord of the universe, who holds all things together and upholds our lives! Guide us to focus on you. In your name, Amen.

About the author — George Young

George Young, a native New Yorker, worked as a taxi driver in New York City before studying to become a pastor. Then he, his wife Ruth, and their children were missionaries for many years in northeastern Japan. They worked with ministers and believers from the Reformed Church in Japan to spread the good news of salvation in Christ and ­establish new churches. Now George and Ruth are retired and live in the northeastern United States, nearer to their children and grandchildren.

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