The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.
—Mark 1:22
Some would say that it’s not important who you are; it’s who people think you are—so just pretend to be the person you want to be. Act smart, and people will think you are smart; pretend that you can cook a gourmet meal, and people will think you can. But watch out! Don’t pretend you know how to fly a plane or deliver a baby!
Another thing you can’t fake is God’s authority. Someone who has God’s authority is the real thing.
The people were amazed at Jesus’ authority. He was clearly doing the work of God. He was totally authentic in his actions and fully confident in his words. His authority went far beyond that of the teachers of the law. Jesus had the authority to command even demons to get out and be silent.
Prophets carry on their shoulders the authority of the One who made the world, owns everything in it, and claims every inch of it. We can speak confidently with God’s words of life based on his Word, the Scriptures.
We need to take our real authority as God’s prophets seriously. God sends us out to minister in his name and to spread the good news of his grace and truth.
How can you act with the authority of the one true God?
Dear Jesus, help us to speak up for you when we need to, to share the good news with confidence, and to honor with our lives the trust you have placed in us. Amen.
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